Together. Saving Lives.


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Governor Roy Cooper Signs a Document


Register as an Organ, Eye and Tissue Donor and Give Someone Hope this National Donor Sabbath

2014 Transplant Games

Annual Appreciation Dinner

HonorBridge Recognized for Organ Donation Work with Hospitals by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

As Summer Approaches, it Means More Time with Daughter for Local Mother Whose Life was Saved Through Organ Donation

April is National Donate Life Month: A Time to Talk About Donation and What it Means to Those Whose Lives it Touches

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Stories of Hope

Read about the impact of organ, eye, and tissue donation in our community

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in 2023
saved through the generous act of organ donation

Aly Hill’s Journey: A Selfless Gift of Life 

Naomi’s Story: “Never Let Defeat Have the Last Word”
