Together. Saving Lives.

HonorBridge Encourages Members of All Faiths to Consider the Compassionate Act of Donation

Join HonorBridge in recognizing National Donor Sabbath this November 14 – 16, a time for people of all faiths to honor those who have given the lifesaving and healing gift of organ, eye and tissue donation. Each year during this time of holidays and family celebrations, donation and transplantation organizations work closely with communities of faith to bring the message of donation to congregations across the country and encourage all to register as donors. Although typically celebrated this time of year, the message of donation can be promoted anytime during the year whenever it fits the needs of the local faith community.

For many, faith plays an important role in the decision to register as a donor. All major religions support donation and believe it to be the ultimate act of kindness and generosity. With nearly 125,000 individuals on the national transplant waiting list, registering as a donor today can provide hope to those desperately waiting for the gift of life and potentially save lives in the future. You can register as a donor today at

Becky Hart’s own faith and experiences have shaped how she thinks about donation. In 2011, she was a victim of a horrific citronella gel fuel accident, severely burning 60 percent of her body. Doctors originally said that the odds of her survival were slim.

“When I was lying there, the only words I could say were, ‘God help me,’” said Becky. “Those were the last words I would be able to speak for months.” She was put in a medically induced coma and over the next three months of hospitalization, she had several skin graft surgeries with donated tissue. “I thank God everyday for those who chose to give the gift of life by registering as a donor. Tissue donation saved my life; without my donors, I would not be here today.”

Becky has recovered beautifully from her accident and will be spending this holiday season with her family. Unfortunately, not everyone in need of a transplant is as lucky. An average of 18 people die everyday because an organ was not donated in time. The need for more donors is clear. Registering your decision to become a donor is the most effective way to ensure you can save lives through donation.

Make a statement of hope and faith today and register to be an organ, eye and tissue donor. For more information about how to register as a donor or how to promote the message of donation in your faith community visit or call 1-800-200-2672.
