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Frequently Asked Questions
How many people can be helped by tissue donation?
One tissue donor can enhance the lives of over 75 people.
How many lives can be saved by one organ donor?
One organ donor can save the lives of up to eight people.
What organs and tissues can be donated and how are they used?
Organs that can be donated are the heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, kidneys, and small intestines. Organs are used to save lives by replacing diseased organs with healthy ones. Tissues that can be donated include skin, bone, corneas, heart valves, and veins.
Is there an age limit regarding donation?
No. Potential donors are evaluated on an individual basis, regardless of age.
Is there any cost to my family if I am an organ/tissue donor?
No. All costs associated with donation are paid by the organ procurement organization. Your family is only responsible for hospital charges before the death declaration and for funeral expenses.