Together. Saving Lives.

Put Your Heart in the Right Place this Valentine’s Day

Most Americans equate February 14th with Valentine’s Day, a day to celebrate romantic love with red roses, heart-shaped chocolates and elaborate greeting cards. But February 14th is also National Donor Day, a day that honors those who have donated organs, tissues, marrow and blood to save the lives of others.

Today across the country, more than 123,000 men, women and children are waiting for that gift of life from and organ donor. Over 3,000 of them live right here in North Carolina. This Valentine’s Day put your heart in the right place by registering as an organ and eye donor and adding a heart to your license at the DMV. You can also register as an organ, eye and tissue donor any time at As a registered donor, you have the potential to save and enhance lives. Valentine’s Day is the day of love and donation is the gift of life. What better day to join the other 4.6 million North Carolinians who have said YES to donation?

Participate in National Donor Day this year by:

  • Registering as an organ and eye donor by having a heart placed on your driver’s license at the DMV, or register as an organ, eye and tissue donor online at Register as a Donor.
  • Encourage your loved ones to register their wishes to save lives through organ, eye and tissue donation.
    Sharing your wishes with your family and friends.
