Together. Saving Lives.

Quilt Square

Created in honor of Mitchel Gibbs

Mitchel was an extraordinary young man who loved everyone without limits.  He lived many different facts of life.  From the look of a skate boarder, to a geek, a rock star, and a surfer boy, all the way to a Marine.  The first quilt square was based on his multiple looks.  High school “island boy” and proud Marine.  The second quilt square is of his art work.  Mitchel drew this dagger and got it as a tattoo for his Uncle to honor another Marine and father figure.

Submitted by: Connie, Donor Mother

Submit a Square

Woman holds picture of donor in front of a yellow quilt

We invite you to mail in your quilt square with the release form, and it will be added to other donor squares for next year’s donor quilt.

More Quilt Squares
