Together. Saving Lives.

Remembering Lana: A Daughter’s Tribute

Portrait of Lana

My hero donor was my mother, Lana.

On August 25, 2021, my 56-year-old mother was hospitalized due to a brain abscess resulting from a tooth infection. Despite having no prior health conditions, she underwent surgery on August 28, which included a tracheotomy. Two major strokes compounded her health challenges, leading my siblings and me to make the difficult decision to place her in a skilled nursing facility. This decision, contrary to our prior discussions with her, left us heartbroken, feeling like we had failed as her children. Despite the rapid developments, my mom fought on for 11 months. On June 19, 2022 (Father’s Day), her nurse informed me that she was being taken to the hospital for breathing difficulties. Little did I know that by the time I reached the hospital, she would be gone. My mom, Lana, was our hero — a beacon of sunshine who saved lives, nurtured children, and helped countless others. We will forever cherish her smile, her laughter, and the invaluable advice she shared.

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