Together. Saving Lives.

Share the Mission

Saving and healing lives through organ, eye, and tissue donation is a mission that requires the support and participation of the entire community. You can help us spread the word, register more donors, and answer questions about how we can work together in your neighborhood, on campuses, and at work.
Several HonorBridge staff members making heart shapes with hands


Request a Speaker or Materials

Every gathering is an opportunity to save and heal lives through organ, eye, and tissue donation

A man holds a microphone next to a podium at an outdoor event.

When you share factual information and your personal passion, you can reach people who have questions about donation and help them make their own decision about registering to be a donor.

If you want to share the mission to save and heal lives through donation at your workplace, on campus, in your place of worship, or at your next family gathering, we can help! HonorBridge wants to hear about your event and provide a speaker, materials, or support.
