Together. Saving Lives.

Workplace Partners

Connecting with Employers and Employees to Save and Heal Lives

Take Action Now

Join the life-saving mission as an HonorBridge Workplace Partner. This campaign aims to unite our region’s workforce for organ, eye, and tissue donation. In the U.S., more than 90% of adults support organ donation, but only approximately 52% of North Carolinians have signed up as donors. With a new person added to the national transplant waiting list every 9 minutes, we need more registrants to save lives. We’re thrilled to offer this campaign bringing workplaces together in this incredible mission.

It’s easy, no-cost, educational, inspirational, and fun. Employees look for their employers to engage in their communities in meaningful ways and this is a fantastic way to do just that. No matter how big or small your organization is, you can make a vital impact. Participation in HonorBridge Workplace Partnerships will show your commitment to the health and well-being of your employees, customers, audiences, and the community.

What’s in it for your organization?

HonorBridge will recognize your organization on its social media platforms and on this website. A framed certificate of participation will be presented to your organization from HonorBridge. Pride knowing you are helping to save and heal lives. Complete the form linked below to become an HonorBridge Workplace Partner today. Together, we can make a difference!

Suggested Activities

  • Email to employees announcing the HonorBridge Workplace Campaign, sharing the importance of the campaign, and encouraging registration sign-ups.
  • Post registration QR codes and information in employee areas, including bulletin boards, elevators, cafeterias, lobbies, and restrooms.
  • Coordinate an inter-departmental challenge to see which can get the most donor registrations.
  • Hold a lunch-and-learn and invite a representative from HonorBridge.
