Together. Saving Lives.

Annual Appreciation Dinner

On October 26, HonorBridge held its Annual Appreciation Dinner to honor those dedicated to raising awareness of organ and tissue donation. Throughout the year, committed individuals work hard at numerous events across the state including health fairs, registration drives, speaking engagements and presentations to raise donation awareness.

The event began with appetizers and some entertainment by the UNC Clef Hangers. A seated dinner followed with a message of welcome from HonorBridge Director of Communications, Dawn Hall. HonorBridge President/CEO, Lloyd Jordan, followed up with words of appreciation and gratitude. Coach William Knight, a kidney transplant recipient, and Olivia Dunn, creator of were keynote speakers. There was a touching tribute to long-time volunteer Joyce Mason who recently passed away. Passionate and dedicated Friends for Life Ambassadors, Gary and Connie Singleton, were presented with the 2013 Charles Jeffries Donate Life Award.

It was truly a wonderful evening and a great way to express our gratitude to our volunteers and those who assist us in so many ways throughout the year.
