Together. Saving Lives.

Messages to Inspire Donation in November

November 14-16 is National Donor Sabbath Weekend, an annual faith-based celebration of the lifesaving gift of organ, eye and tissue donation. Because faith plays a significant role in the decision to register as a donor, every year during this special time, donation and transplant organizations work closely with communities of faith to bring the message of donation to congregations. All major religions support organ, eye and tissue donation, as a final act of kindness and generosity. Regardless of their specific religion, the public is encouraged to register as donors by visiting Register as a Donor.

November is American Diabetes Month. Over 30 million Americans currently have diabetes, and for some this leads to life-threatening complications, including the need for an organ transplant. Find out more information to share with others here: As part of American Diabetes Month, you may also share more information on how to protect you and your loved ones from potential blindness caused by diabetes:

Thanksgiving Day/Week: This is the 4th anniversary of the premiere of the CBS Sports’ Thanksgiving Day broadcast of The Chris Henry Story. Watch again to remember Chris and give thanks for all who have registered as organ, eye and tissue donors.

Finally, Thanksgiving kicks off the season of giving. You know about Black Friday and CyberMonday. We’re participating in #GivingTuesday on December 2 to inspire more to give hope this holiday season by registering as donors and contributing financially to support our mission to educate more about the life giving power of organ, eye and tissue donation. Join our campaign by posting your own “UnSelfie” pictures about why you are giving the gift of life in social media and use some of the graphics below to help us share our message. Be sure to follow Donate Life NC on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to find other fun ways to support #Giving Tuesday.

Post your own #UnSelfie to tell friends and family why organ, eye and tissue donation is important to you. Learn more about how to participate at
