Together. Saving Lives.

Quilt Square

Created in honor of Karla Buchanan

Karla Elizabeth Buchanan has a twin sister, Kayla Michele Buchanan they were born on July 20, 2000. She has an older brother, Dante Nathaniel Buchanan. All three have been living with us, Fred and Deborah Underwood, maternal grandparents, for about 5 years. She loved to laugh and was always making up silly jokes. If she knew you were sad or mad, the she would pester the living daylights out of you until you just have to smile. When the three of them would get in trouble, Karla was always in the middle! Karla loved God, she would tell all of her doctors all about the love if Jesus and how he was always with her. On October 2, 2009; Karla had her first seizure, she was later diagnosed with Rasmussen Encephalitis. This is a terrible brain disorder and despite all the medicines, she just kept having bad seizures. Finally the doctors had to remove the right side of her brain.  It was an 11 hour surgery, she never woke up, moved on her own or spoke a word, and after 15days we removed the life support. Karla passed away on October 6, 2010. The doctors told us she had a stroke in her brain stem, which is usually fatal.  Pawpa, Fred was her special friend; they would sneak off to the local Dairy Queen and get Buster Bars. Karla was a fighter and she bravely fought the battle. We love her very much and there will forever be an ache in our hearts. One day we will see her wonderful smile once again.  Karla always tried to be full of sunshine for everyone. I honestly don’t think I could have been as brave and courageous as Karla.  With love Fred, Deborah, Hilary, Dante, and Kayla.

Submitted by: Deborah, Donor Grandmother

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We invite you to mail in your quilt square with the release form, and it will be added to other donor squares for next year’s donor quilt.

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