Together. Saving Lives.

In Memory of William: A Daughter’s Love

William Morris with his daughter

When I lost my father, it hurt so much. I was a daddy’s girl! We would always talk about everything, including what would happen when he passed — about what would need to be done and how things would go. He is my hero to this day.

Accepting his passing is still a challenge, making it difficult to discuss at times. I hold onto the precious memories, recognizing that he played a part in saving a life. My dad loved to help everyone that he could. He also loved fishing, hiking, and music. And, most importantly, he loved spending time with his family.

Receiving a letter from the recipient of my father’s gifts moved me to tears. I thanked God for the impact he made on someone’s life. I want them to know that it was my father’s enduring passion to continue helping, even beyond his passing.

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