Together. Saving Lives.

Sybil’s Story: A Faith-Fueled Victory

Lung recipient Sybil Sutton doesn’t share the story of how organ donation saved her life – she shares her testimony.

“Have you ever heard of the rare lung disease called Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)? I had never heard of it until I was diagnosed,” said Sutton. “IPF is a rare progressive disease, and the cause is unknown. The doctor also stated that the only option was a lung transplant if I qualified. He also stated that the surgery was major. With total confidence in our Savior, I stated that I trust and serve an even bigger God.”

Sustained by her faith, Sutton underwent a 5-day evaluation to determine if she was medically qualified for a transplant — an experience she describes as an “an emotional, stressful process and an unforgettable journey.”

Today, Sutton uses every breath drawn from her new lungs to count her blessings.

“I praise God for an intensive medical evaluation with a positive outcome and the provision of compatible organs,” said Sutton. “I am forever thankful to my donor and her family for the gift of life, and my amazing doctors and staff at Duke Hospital.”

Sutton also gives God the glory for presiding over 10-12 hours of major surgery and “guiding the hands of Duke’s brilliant, skilled surgeons”; for giving her the motivation and determination to successfully complete both pre-and post-rehab; for the provision of life saving lungs only seven days after pre-pulmonary rehabilitation; for no complications during or following the surgery; and for an “unusual and extraordinary” recovery.

“I am honored to ‘give back’ through my appointment to the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation as an Ambassador, as well as the Inspire Program with Duke,” said Sutton. “It is my privilege to provide encouragement, support, inspiration, as well as resource information to persons who have started the journey that I have completed by the grace of God.”

More than 100,000 people are waiting nationwide for a lifesaving organ transplant, including more than 3,000 North Carolinians. Together, we can make a difference. Register your decision here:
