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2024 Donor Family Tribute
An annual program to honor and remember the life of those who gave

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HonorBridge proudly honors the generous and inspiring individuals who have said ‘yes’ to donation. Each year, thousands of men, women, and children across the country receive a renewed opportunity for life and good health because someone made the decision to donate. We honor, celebrate, and recognize donor families and their loved ones for their enormous faith, generosity, and courage during our annual Donor Family Tribute video. The Donor Family Tribute features a heartfelt donor tribute slideshow and a presentation of the donor quilts. This year you can experience the Donor Family Tribute either virtually or in-person; read below to learn more.
Donor Family Tribute: In-Person
In-Person: You are invited to attend the Donor Family Tribute gathering in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, on Sunday, October 20, 2024. Visit our office anytime between 2 and 5pm to watch the Donor Family Tribute video with other donor families and HonorBridge staff.
Registration Deadline: The registration deadline for indicating that you are attending the in-person Donor Family Tribute gathering in Chapel Hill is Friday, September 13, 2024.
Donor Family Tribute: Virtual
You may watch the program at 2pm. The video is around 30 minutes in length and will continue to be available to view at any time following this release date and time. You are welcome to share this with family and friends.
Donor Tribute Slideshow
Each family is invited to honor their loved one by submitting up to 3 photos for the Donor Tribute Slideshow. This is a special way to remember those who gave such a special gift to others. We would also like to share descriptive words about your loved ones so we can all learn more about them. Some examples include: Father, grandmother, Tar Heel fan, NASCAR fan, Veteran…
The deadline for submitting photos for the Donor Family Tribute is Friday, September 13, 2024.
Donor Quilts
Donor families are invited to decorate a fabric square in honor of their loved one. Your quilt square, combined with those of other donor families, will be assembled to make a donor family quilt. These quilts are displayed at memorial services, special events, and various educational programs. The 2024 Donor Family Tribute will present our newest quilts, made up of quilt squares provided prior to April. The quilt squares that are received now through the end of this year will be included in our 2025 quilts and will be presented at the 2025 Donor Family Tribute.