Together. Saving Lives.

2014 Post Donation Evaluation Survey Winners

HonorBridge values input from our hospital partners. The donation process is very complex due to many variables determining the success of the process. A major component of pursuing success is seeking feedback on possible improvements in the donation and transplantation process. By evaluating, testing and implementing improvements, together we will save more lives while honoring the courageous gifts provided by the donor.

Each month everyone who completes a survey has his or her name placed into a drawing for a small prize. We want to provide you with a token of appreciation from your friends at HonorBridge for your participation in the important process of providing feedback to us as we strive to meet your needs while saving lives.

The 2014 Post Donation Evaluation Survey winners were:

  • Gail, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
  • Kilie, New Hanover Regional Medical Center
  • Barbara, Duke University Medical Center
