Together. Saving Lives.

HonorBridge President/CEO Receives National Achievement Award

On Wednesday June 10, 2015, the Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO) recognized Lloyd Jordan, President/CEO of HonorBridge, by presenting him with the Association’s 2015 Achievement Award. This award is generously sponsored by CryoLife, Inc., and was presented at AOPO’s 32nd Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona. The Achievement Award is bestowed upon an individual who demonstrates significant professional and/or personal contributions in support of the mission and vision of AOPO.

Mr. Jordan’s career in organ procurement began in North Carolina in 1986. Throughout his 30 years of leadership within the donation and transplantation community, he has played an active role in AOPO by serving on numerous committees and as President. His dedication to organ and tissue recovery on both a local and national level brought about significant improvements in the donation process which has impacted countless lives across the country.

Kent Holloway, AOPO President, announced during the award presentation that Mr. Jordan “has always been, and continues to be, a stellar example and representative of the organ procurement organization (OPO) community. He is a true resource to AOPO and the donation community. Mr. Jordan’s colleagues are inspired by his leadership and motivated by the level of commitment and professionalism he has modeled in his three-decade career.”

You can read the official AOPO press release here.
