Together. Saving Lives.

Coach William Knight’s Story: Seeing a Blessing

Coach William Knight poses at sports event

After receiving my kidney transplant in 2012, my life was restored back to normal – no more two and a half hours of dialysis six days a week. The gift of life taught me how to see a blessing instead of looking for a blessing. While doing dialysis for three and a half years I was always looking for a blessing instead of seeing all the blessings that were around me with the people God had put in my life to help me during this journey. The biggest change: LEARN HOW TO SEE A BLESSING INSTEAD OF LOOKING FOR A BLESSING!

To all that are reluctant to become organ donors, we all know that The Good Lord is going to call us home one day and the only thing that goes is your spirit, the body stays here. Remember, God gave his son so we could live. By becoming an organ donor, you give someone that second chance to live a normal life. We all possess a special power: ‘A HAND DOWN HELPING SOMEONE UP’, so why not use it to help someone after your journey is completed.

To my donor family: I don’t know your race, gender, or where you are from but you have given me the sight to SEE instead of look! You have given me the true meaning of ‘ALL GODS PEOPLE ARE CREATED EQUAL’! Thank you for giving me a second chance at life and the insight of ‘do right and right will follow’!

Coach Knight
