Together. Saving Lives.

Kenkita’s Story: Grateful for the Gift of Donation

African America woman posing in front of a fireplace

Before falling ill, Kenkita’s life carried its fair share of stress. Juggling roles as a school bus driver and cake decorator, she worked hard to support herself and her two children — but what happened next would shake her to the core.

“I never thought in a million years that I would wake up one day and my health would change suddenly, that I’d find out after running tests that my liver was failing,” said Kenkita. “So many things were running through my head. I had never been sick like that. Everyone in my life was affected.”

Thanks to the gift of organ donation, Kenkita’s story has a beautiful ending — but the road to recovery has been long and emotionally taxing.

“I am trying to overcome all that I’ve been through from the beginning to now,” said Kenkita. “Battling with depression, anxiety, and ‘what if’ syndrome. For a long time, I couldn’t tell my story. I was too weak and too much was going on in my life. But my 15-year transplant anniversary was on Aug. 11, 2007. On that day, I turned 15-years-old. I was able to participate in my own celebration with my doctor and other transplant recipients.”

For Kenkita, not a day goes by without counting her blessings. In the future, she hopes to write a book about her transplant story that will encourage others to register as donors.

“I thank God for the second chance at life,” said Kenkita. “Because if it hadn’t been for God and my donor family, I wouldn’t be there today. I am so thankful and grateful to my donor family for giving me life. Organ donation saves people’s lives. If I could meet my donor’s family I would hug, smile, and love on them – thanking them and allowing them to see that their love is still here with them. I love their family unconditionally, although I don’t know them. It’s the God in me.”

More than 100,000 people are waiting for lifesaving organ transplants. Together, we can make a difference. Register your decision here:
