Together. Saving Lives.


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Governor Roy Cooper Signs a Document


Local Heart Recipient, Celebrating Twelve Years Since Transplant, Competes for Second Time in World Transplant Games

HonorBridge Celebrates National Donate Life Month with a Milestone Challenge

Kimberly Koontz Named New Vice President/Chief Operating Officer of HonorBridge

Danielle Bumarch Named New President/CEO of HonorBridge

HonorBridge and Hospital Partners Receive National Recognition for Initiatives Addressing Critical Need for Organ Donation

Raise Your Voice to Create a Donate Life Echo in Support of National Observance Shedding Light on Critical Need for Multicultural Organ Donation

Stories of Hope

Read about the impact of organ, eye, and tissue donation in our community

Heart Icon
in 2023
saved through the generous act of organ donation

Bound by Life: Kristen & Steve

Breathing Easy: The Story of Billy Williams
