Together. Saving Lives.

Tunisia’s Story: Faith & Music

Portrait of woman holding flute

The morning of May 14, 2006 was stormy and cloudy. As the rain drops trickled from the sky, my heart was bursting with joy and excitement because this was the day that I would celebrate five years of hard work as a music major at Meredith College. I would walk across that stage, receive my degree, and begin my life as the professional flutist I had trained so diligently to become. Little did I know that my musical and professional dreams and ambitions would be put on hold. What I was about to face would change my life forever.

Over the next five years, I faced a diagnosis of Systemic Lupus and kidney failure. I suffered a heart attack, underwent six months of chemotherapy, and have been dependent on dialysis to keep me alive. When faced with challenges and adversity, it’s very easy to become focused on all that is negative. However, I’d like to encourage you in whatever you may be faced with to put your faith in the Lord, stay positive, and focus on all the things that motivate and inspire you and things that you are passionate about.

Through my pain have come some of my biggest blessings. Through our tragedies come our biggest triumphs. No matter what, NEVER give up and ALWAYS keep hope.
